Custom Embroidery & More
If you can dream it, we can make it happen!
It all started
with a mask.
CT Styling Stitches is a small family-run business that all started with my daughter, who was nervous about COVID-19's rise, asking me to make her a mask. We made quite a few, sold some, and donated several. This allowed us to upgrade our sewing machines to embroidery ones.
About CT Styling Stitches
We are a woman-owned & operated company that was borne out of the pandemic and began by making masks for first responders, healthcare workers, & teachers. We believe that everyone has the ability to be creative, as long as they let themselves be.
CT Styling Stitches is a small family-run business that all started with my daughter, nervous with COVID-19 on the rise, asking me to make her a mask. We made quite a few, sold some, and donated several. This allowed us to upgrade our sewing machines to embroidery ones.
Coming full circle.
My mom taught me to sew, and now I am teaching my mom and daughter the art of embroidery. Each day we get more creative with the items we offer.
Some of our products include:
Memory items, Memory bears or other stuffed animals, Memory pillows or quilts, Baby items, Onesies, Loveys, Blankets, Hooded towels, Tote bags, Table Runners, Masks & More
Bring us your items and have them customized the way you want them, or we can provide the article of clothing.
Sewing Lessons are available upon request.
We take all orders big or small with a fast turnaround when possible.
Think of us for your holiday needs.